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i Thailand

Tur: WKT 019 – Guld, Smykker & Ædelstene i Thailand


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Verdens Største Juvelerbutik

Gems Gallery

Bangkok – Phuket – Chiang Mai – Pattaya


Khao Sok National Park, A true rainforest of origin - 2½ hours drive from Phuket, Krabi, Ao Nang, Phang Nga, Khao Lak, Nature lovers paradise, wildlife, jungle, Art's river view lodge, Chiew Larn Lake, Rajjabrapa Dam, jungle raft, a dream land of mist and mountains



Thailand er østens anerkendte center for handel med forarbejdede ædelstene.








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Alle køb ledsages af certifikat og livstidsgaranti

International ISO 9001:2000 standard for slibning, kvalitet og opsætning af ædelstene har tilladt Gems Gallery at vinde gunst og tillid blandt kunder i hele verden. Flere end 4 millioner personer og over 300 førende firmaer besøger os hvert år.

Gems Gallery har udviklet sig til stedet, hvor thailandsbesøgende kommer for at handle med ædelstene og smykker.

Den service der ydes er professionel, høflig og oplysende. Med mere end 2.000 ansatte er GEMS GALLAEY - Verdens Største Juvelerbutik. Den thailandske stat er medejer af virksomheden. Ved besøg vises en kort lysbillede præsentation, som fortæller om frembringelse og forarbejdning af thailandske ædelstene.

Hvorfor kan Gems Gallery sælge kvalitet under den internationale vurdering?

Gems Gallery er en engrosforretning, der kun betjener henviste kunder.

Gems Gallery ønsker som engrosforretning ikke at drive postordreforretning og har ingen hjemmeside.

Gems Gallery har miner i Thailand, Cambodja, Burma og samarbejde med mange andre lande.

Gems Gallery har sine egen stab af juvelerer, der sliber og laver opsætninger.

Gems Gallery har lave udvindings og forarbejdningsomkostninger.

Køb hos Gems Gallery bliver som hovedregel altid vurderet højere af eksperter i dit hjemland.

Ædelmetal og juvel priser følger den internationale notering.

Kom og se – Ingen købetvang / Bestil fri T/R transport - ring 076 296 231 / E-mail os

Køb 2 udflugter hos Wild Kingdom Tours, hvor som helst i Thailand.

Få refunderet 12 % af det samlede juvelindkøb, når det overstiger THB 25.000.

Precious Stone Certifikat garantibevis ædelstene ædle metaller precious metals Certificate of Guarantee Description

Best value bedste køb billig billige cheap precious værdifuld kostbar kostelig dyrebar pretiøs affekteret skruet ironisk køn nydelig dejlig your precious friend has let you down precious little ikke ret meget yderst lidt precious little money meget få penge a precious lot better meget meget bedre kvalitetsarbejde high-quality workmanship kvalitetsbevidst quality-conscious kvalitetssans sense of quality A gemstone or gem, also called a precious or semi-precious stone, is a piece of attractive mineral, which  when cut and polished is used to make jewelry or other adornments However certain rocks such as lapis-lazuli and organic materials such as amber or jet are not minerals, but are still used for jewelry, and are therefore often considered to be gemstones as well Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their lustre or other physical properties that have aesthetic value Rarity is another characteristic that lends value to a gemstone In mineralogy, diamond is the allotrope of carbon where the carbon atoms are arranged in an isometric-hexoctahedral crystal lattice. Its hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for industrial applications and jewelry. It is the hardest known naturally-occurring mineral It is possible to treat regular diamonds under a combination of high pressure and high temperature to produce diamonds known as Type-II diamonds that are harder than the diamonds used in hardness gauges Presently only aggregated diamond nanorods, a material created using ultrahard fullerite C60 is confirmed to be harder, although other substances such as cubic boron nitride rhenium diboride and ultrahard fullerite itself are comparable. Smykker, juveler, ædelstene, Diamanter, Safir, rubiner, topaz, smaragd, guld, sølv og natur perler. Jewellery, precious stones, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, topaz, guld, sølv and natural pearls Gems Gallery the world's biggest jewelry store Phuket, Bangkok, Chiang Mai Thailand Chanthaburi Kanchanaburi Gems Gallery Verdens største juveler butik
GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY jewellery jewelry ædelstene kostbarheder smykker Best value bedste køb billig billige cheap precious værdifuld kostbar kostelig dyrebar pretiøs affekteret skruet ironisk køn nydelig dejlig your precious friend has let you down precious little ikke ret meget yderst lidt precious little money meget få penge a precious lot better meget meget bedre kvalitetsarbejde high-quality workmanship kvalitetsbevidst quality-conscious kvalitetssans sense of quality A gemstone or gem, also called a precious or semi-precious stone, is a piece of attractive mineral, which  when cut and polished is used to make jewelry or other adornments However certain rocks such as lapis-lazuli and organic materials such as amber or jet are not minerals, but are still used for jewelry, and are therefore often considered to be gemstones as well Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their lustre or other physical properties that have aesthetic value Rarity is another characteristic that lends value to a gemstone In mineralogy, diamond is the allotrope of carbon where the carbon atoms are arranged in an isometric-hexoctahedral crystal lattice. Its hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for industrial applications and jewelry. It is the hardest known naturally-occurring mineral It is possible to treat regular diamonds under a combination of high pressure and high temperature to produce diamonds known as Type-II diamonds that are harder than the diamonds used in hardness gauges Presently only aggregated diamond nanorods, a material created using ultrahard fullerite C60 is confirmed to be harder, although other substances such as cubic boron nitride rhenium diboride and ultrahard fullerite itself are comparable. Smykker, juveler, ædelstene, Diamanter, Safir, rubiner, topaz, smaragd, guld, sølv og natur perler. Jewellery, precious stones, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, topaz, guld, sølv and natural pearls Gems

Smykkers historie og anvendelse

Et smykke er en genstand, båret udelukkende for syns skyld. Det er altså ikke en beklædningsgenstand i gængs forstand, men noget man bærer uden på påklædningen, eller direkte på kroppen. Et smykke vil som regel være udformet i et udsøgt metal, af smykkestene, eller som en kombination af disse, og derved repræsentere en vis værdi. Smykker anses ofte for at være finere, jo dyrere de er. Derfor har smykker også traditionelt været brugt som en måde at udstille rigdom på. Ligeledes har smykker også været et udtryk for magt; den der havde en flotteste krone, eller hvis kone bar de dyreste smykker, måtte være den mest betydningsfulde mand. De fleste kongedømmer har en samling af kronjuveler, som kun bruges ved særlige lejligheder. Historisk har de også tjent som et symbol på kongehusets magt og vælde.

Traditionelt er smykker hovedsagelig blevet båret af kvinder, og kun i mindre grad af mænd. I senere europæisk historie har de eneste accepterede smykker til mænd været manchetknapper, en slipsenål og forlovelses/vielsesring. I dag er en (simpel) halskæde eller ring i det ene øre dog også accepteret, selvom det stadig ikke anses for sømmeligt ved finere lejligheder.

Kom og se – Ingen købetvang / Bestil fri T/R transport - ring 076 296 231 / E-mail os

Gems Gallery in Pattaya is considered to be one of the leading shopping arcades in Pattaya. This shop is considered as the largest jewelry store of the world situated in Thailand. The multi-vision slides presentation shows depicting about the process of jewelry making at the world's biggest jewelry store "Gems Gallery" is worth a watch. Thailand in general is very cheap. That is perhaps the reason why the shopping malls have become the leading tourist attractions themselves. The price range for everyone that is, whether it is the foreigners, tourists and or the native Thai people is the same Shopping in Pattaya becomes easier with the presence of shopping arenas like Gems Gallery. Gems Gallery is an ISO 9002 Certified shop. Gems Gallery is a shop of International recognition owing to its fine standards and quality of its gems and services. Gems Gallery has won the favor and trust of customers around the world. More than 4 million people and over 300 leading companies visit Gems Gallery Pattaya every year. Gems Gallery has become the place where visitors to Thailand come to shop for gems and jewelry. There are more than 2.000 staff proficient in 17 languages namely English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Belgian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Bahasa Indonesian to serve to you all to the best of their abilities. Every gem sold at Gems Gallery is both certified and has a lifetime guarantee.

Wat Chalong has been extending a warm welcome to visitors for over a century. Locals come to pray and Westerners come to learn something about Buddhism. The temple is open from seven in the morning to five in the afternoon. Let's go on a tour of it.Poh Than Jao Wat is one of the more important Buddhist statues in Wat Chalong. It is located in the westerly old hall of the temple, with two statues of an elderly gentleman called Ta Khee-lek (grandpa Khee-lek), a famous local who won many lotteries after consulting the Poh Than Jao Wat statue. Another statue in this hall is called Nonsi. One of the temple's halls features a gilt-covered statue of Luang Poh Cham and this busy hall also contains statues of Luang Poh Chuang and Luang Poh Gleum, all ex-abbots of the temple. The Grand Pagoda dominating the temple contains a splinter of Lord Buddha's bone and is officially named Phramahathatchedi-Jomthaibarameepragat. The pagoda is decorated with wall paintings depicting the Buddha's life story and also features various Buddha images. Take your time in the pagoda; it is a breezy, cool location and one which is very popular with visitors to the temple. There is also an air-conditioned 'exhibition home' of Luang Poh Cham which features lifelike human-sized wax models of Luang Poh Cham, Luang Poh Chuang, Luang Poh Gleum, and Luang Pu Thuad along with antique Thai furniture, and Benjarong (Thai porcelain designed in five colours), while the famous 'magic' walking-stick of Luang Poh Cham is kept at the current Abbot's dwelling. Wat Chalong's history Ever since it was built, Wat Chalong has played a major part in Phuket's history. During the 19th century the island was an important centre of industry because of the influx of wealth brought in through tin mining and many Chinese labourers flocked to the island as a result. Some formed secret societies and these 'Angyee' societies began to amass power. When tin mine owners refused them the opium they had grown accustomed to they became incensed. A small group of Angyee seized the Provincial Hall, killing people in the process. Locals escaped to Wat Chalong and ran to the Abbot, warning him of the imminent danger. He stated that as he had been raised and educated at the temple he was not about to run away from it. Locals took heart from him and stayed there. As a Buddhist monk, Luang Poh Cham could not physically fight the Angyee but he rallied the people to fight back whenever the Chinese attacked. The fighting was fierce and the Chinese even breached the temple wall at one point and this breach can be seen at the temple to this day. Time after time the locals fought back against the attackers and others, encouraged by their success, joined them. They pleaded with the Abbot for a religious talisman to bring them good luck and he gave them pieces of sanctified white cloth which they used as headbands. The Angyee dubbed them the 'Whitehead Troups.' The climax came when the Chinese labourers, drugged and stupefied by their opium, were attacked and destroyed by the locals. King Rama V (1853-1910) was informed about this victory. He invited Luang Poh Cham to Bangkok in order to promote him to regional Abbot for Phuket and its surrounding provinces. This was when the king bestowed the royal title of Chaithararam on Wat Chalong.The bustling, administrative centre of Phuket is often overlooked in favour of the beaches, but there's a lot to see and do (and spend your money on!) in Phuket City. Having been recently upgraded to city status, Phuket City features an exciting mix of old and new, simple and sophisticated, peaceful and pulsating. The activity in Phuket City is nearly around-the-clock. In the early morning, stoic monks take to the streets on their daily alms round and the fresh market buzzes with restaurant owners buying ingredients for the day's meals. Non-stop bustle characterizes the daytime, and lasts well into the evening. Nights are reserved for enjoying good company, whether at a restaurant, a disco, a quiet bar, or a combination of all three. From the gleaming shopping centres The

Beskrivelse af forskellige ædelstene.

Diamanter blev først udvundet i Indien. Australien, Botswana, Rusland og Canada bliver regnet for de lande med den største diamantproduktion.

Ædle og halvædelsten bruges til smykker.

Ametyst er historisk set den mest værdsatte ædelsten i kvarts familien. Den er kendt for sin lilla nuance, som kan variere i tone fra lys til mørk.

Smaragd er en af de tre vigtigste ædelstene (sammen med rubiner og safirer) og er kendt for deres fine grønne til blå-grønne farver. De har været skattede gennem historien. Egypterne udvandt smaragd så tidligt som 3500 f. Kr..

Jade er oftest forbundet med den grønne farve, men kan komme i en række andre farver også. Jade er tæt knyttet til asiatiske kultur, historie og tradition og er undertiden benævnt ”Sten fra Himlen”.

Jaspis er en ædelsten, som kommer i mange forskellige farver. Ofte vil jaspis have et unik og interessant mønstre i de farvede sten. (ofte beiges og brune).

Quartz henviser til en familie af krystalsmykkesten af forskellige farver og størrelser. Blandt de kendte typer af kvarts er rosenkvarts (som har en fin lyserød farve), og røg quartz (som kommer i en række forskellige nuancer af halvgennemsigtige brune). En række andre ædelstene, som Amethyst og citrin, er også en del af kvarts familien.

Rubin er kendt for deres intense røde farve, og er blandt de mest værdsatte dyrebare ædelsten. Rubiner har været skattet i årtusinder.

Safir - Den mest populære form for safir, er blå safir, som er kendt for sin mellem til dybe blå farve og en stærk mætning. Flere farvede safirer findes også. I USA er der en tendens til blå at safir er mest populære og mest prisoverkommelige af de tre store ædelstene (smaragd, rubin og safir).

Turkis findes kun få steder på jorden bl.a. det sydvestlige USA. Turkiser er værdsat for sin attraktive farve, oftest en intens medium blå eller en grønlig blå farve. Turkis bruges i en bred vifte af smykkestilarter. Nogle turkise indeholder en matrix af mørke brune aftegninger, som giver en interessant kontrast til stenens lyseblå farve.

Kom og se – Ingen købetvang / Bestil fri T/R transport - ring 076 296 231 / E-mail os

Rundtur i Thailand fra Nord til Syd:





Kun hovedøen Phi Phi Don er beboet. Den eneste egentlige by Tonsai, findes ved den smalle sandtange, hvor også færgerne fra Phuket, Koh Lanta og fastlandet lægger til. Den næststørste ø hedder Phi Phi Leh. Hele denne øen hører ind under National & Marine Park myndighederne i Thailand. Efter at filmen The Beach med Leonardo DiCaprio i hovedrollen blev filmet ved Maya Bay, er bugten ved Phi Phi Leh blevet et populært udflugtsmål. Kun hovedøen Phi Phi Don er beboet. Den eneste egentlige by Tonsai, findes ved den smalle sandtange, hvor også færgerne fra Phuket, Koh Lanta og fastlandet lægger til. Den næststørste ø hedder Phi Phi Leh. Hele denne øen hører ind under National & Marine Park myndighederne i Thailand. Efter at filmen The Beach med Leonardo DiCaprio i hovedrollen blev filmet ved Maya Bay, er bugten ved Phi Phi Leh blevet et populært udflugtsmål. Kun hovedøen Phi Phi Don er beboet. Den eneste egentlige by Tonsai, findes ved den smalle sandtange, hvor også færgerne fra Phuket, Koh Lanta og fastlandet lægger til. Den næststørste ø hedder Phi Phi Leh. Hele denne øen hører ind under National & Marine Park myndighederne i Thailand. Efter at filmen The Beach med Leonardo DiCaprio i hovedrollen blev filmet ved Maya Bay, er bugten ved Phi Phi Leh blevet et populært udflugtsmål.









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Best value bedste køb billig billige cheap precious værdifuld kostbar kostelig dyrebar pretiøs affekteret skruet ironisk køn nydelig dejlig your precious friend has let you down precious little ikke ret meget yderst lidt precious little money meget få penge a precious lot better meget meget bedre kvalitetsarbejde high-quality workmanship kvalitetsbevidst quality-conscious kvalitetssans sense of quality A gemstone or gem, also called a precious or semi-precious stone, is a piece of attractive mineral, which  when cut and polished is used to make jewelry or other adornments However certain rocks such as lapis-lazuli and organic materials such as amber or jet are not minerals, but are still used for jewelry, and are therefore often considered to be gemstones as well Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their lustre or other physical properties that have aesthetic value Rarity is another characteristic that lends value to a gemstone In mineralogy, diamond is the allotrope of carbon where the carbon atoms are arranged in an isometric-hexoctahedral crystal lattice. Its hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for industrial applications and jewelry. It is the hardest known naturally-occurring mineral It is possible to treat regular diamonds under a combination of high pressure and high temperature to produce diamonds known as Type-II diamonds that are harder than the diamonds used in hardness gauges Presently only aggregated diamond nanorods, a material created using ultrahard fullerite C60 is confirmed to be harder, although other substances such as cubic boron nitride rhenium diboride and ultrahard fullerite itself are comparable. Smykker, juveler, ædelstene, Diamanter, Safir, rubiner, topaz, smaragd, guld, sølv og natur perler. Jewellery, precious stones, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, topaz, guld, sølv and natural pearls Gems Gallery the world's biggest jewelry store Phuket, Bangkok, Chiang Mai Thailand Chanthaburi Kanchanaburi Gems Gallery Verdens største juveler butik
GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY GEMS GALLERY Best value bedste køb billig billige cheap precious værdifuld kostbar kostelig dyrebar pretiøs affekteret skruet ironisk køn nydelig dejlig your precious friend has let you down precious little ikke ret meget yderst lidt precious little money meget få penge a precious lot better meget meget bedre kvalitetsarbejde high-quality workmanship kvalitetsbevidst quality-conscious kvalitetssans sense of quality A gemstone or gem, also called a precious or semi-precious stone, is a piece of attractive mineral, which  when cut and polished is used to make jewelry or other adornments However certain rocks such as lapis-lazuli and organic materials such as amber or jet are not minerals, but are still used for jewelry, and are therefore often considered to be gemstones as well Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their lustre or other physical properties that have aesthetic value Rarity is another characteristic that lends value to a gemstone In mineralogy, diamond is the allotrope of carbon where the carbon atoms are arranged in an isometric-hexoctahedral crystal lattice. Its hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for industrial applications and jewelry. It is the hardest known naturally-occurring mineral It is possible to treat regular diamonds under a combination of high pressure and high temperature to produce diamonds known as Type-II diamonds that are harder than the diamonds used in hardness gauges Presently only aggregated diamond nanorods, a material created using ultrahard fullerite C60 is confirmed to be harder, although other substances such as cubic boron nitride rhenium diboride and ultrahard fullerite itself are comparable. Smykker, juveler, ædelstene, Diamanter, Safir, rubiner, topaz, smaragd, guld, sølv og natur perler. Jewellery, precious stones, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, topaz, guld, sølv and natural pearls Gems Gallery the world's biggest jewelry store Phuket

*  Yderligere oplysninger og booking på:



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This animation gif belongs to Copyright Wild Kingdom Tours Co., Ltd. Hotel bookings river kwai rejsebureau thailand sas bonuskort similan øerne similan islands phuket adults show phuket activity phuket jewellery shops ranong visarun ranong lotus thai gem gallery tsunami ved phuket tsunami phi phi island visa fee of singapore from malaysia ægteskab thai worlds biggest jewelry store tour river kwai jungle raft thai tailor denmark tsunami bangkok tsunami patong beach tsunami billeder  phuket gems gallery international manufaktur gems gallery bangkok thailand gift i thailand guest house patong internet granit borgerkrig i cambodja borgerkrig i cambodia corals on the south coast of australia elefant ridning bangkok cruise go to phi phi island info over yao yai malmo tour langtids billeje pakseng pier phi phi island paradis øer khao sok national park khao sok koh yao krabi how to get to khao sok koralrevene Online booking Thailand, Hotel online bookings Thailand, Thailand hotel online Booking,  Booking online hotel Thailand,
Cheap hotel in thailand, cheapest hotels in Thailand, best price hotel en thailand, billig priser på hoteller i Thailand, discount hotels in thailand, billig billig udyrt, Copyright Wild Kingdom Tours Co., Ltd. Hotel bookings river kwai rejsebureau thailand sas bonuskort similan øerne similan islands phuket adults show phuket activity phuket jewellery shops ranong visarun ranong lotus thai gem gallery tsunami ved phuket tsunami phi phi island visa fee of singapore from malaysia ægteskab thai worlds biggest jewelry store tour river kwai jungle raft thai tailor denmark tsunami bangkok tsunami patong beach tsunami billeder  phuket gems gallery international manufaktur gems gallery bangkok thailand gift i thailand guest house patong internet granit borgerkrig i cambodja borgerkrig i cambodia corals on the south coast of australia elefant ridning bangkok cruise go to phi phi island info over yao yai malmo tour langtids billeje pakseng pier phi phi island paradis øer khao sok national park khao sok koh yao krabi how to get to khao sok koralrevene Online booking Thailand, Hotel online bookings Thailand, Thailand hotel online Booking,  Booking online hotel Thailand, Cheap hotel in thailand, cheapest hotels in Thailand, best price hotel en thailand, billig priser på hoteller i Thailand, discount hotels in thailand, billig billig udyrt, Copyright Wild Kingdom Tours Co., Ltd. Hotel bookings river kwai rejsebureau thailand sas bonuskort similan øerne similan islands phuket adults show phuket activity phuket jewellery shops ranong visarun ranong lotus thai gem gallery tsunami ved phuket tsunami phi phi island visa fee of singapore from malaysia ægteskab thai worlds biggest jewelry store tour river kwai jungle raft thai tailor denmark tsunami bangkok tsunami patong beach tsunami billeder  phuket gems gallery international manufaktur gems gallery bangkok thailand gift i thailand guest house patong internet granit borgerkrig i cambodja borgerkrig i cambodia corals on the south coast of australia elefant ridning bangkok cruise go to phi phi island info over yao yai malmo tour langtids billeje pakseng pier phi phi island paradis øer khao sok national park khao sok koh yao krabi how to get to khao sok koralrevene Online booking Thailand, Hotel online bookings Thailand, Thailand hotel online Booking,  Booking online hotel Thailand, Cheap hotel in thailand, cheapest hotels in Thailand, best price hotel en thailand, billig priser på hoteller i Thailand, discount hotels in thailand, billig billig udyrt, Copyright Wild Kingdom Tours Co., Ltd. Hotel bookings river kwai rejsebureau thailand sas bonuskort similan øerne similan islands phuket adults show phuket activity phuket jewellery shops ranong visarun ranong lotus thai gem gallery tsunami ved phuket tsunami phi phi island visa fee of singapore from malaysia ægteskab thai worlds biggest jewelry store tour river kwai jungle raft thai tailor denmark tsunami bangkok tsunami

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10 Phisit Karani Road,

Patong Beach, Phuket 83150, Thailand

Tel.:  +66 (0) 76 296 231

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Dansk SKYPE telefonnummer 3696 0738.

Telefontid 09:00 til 11:30 (dansk tid)


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Last page update 23 April 2012

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