The Scan - International

Log Wildkingdom Tours - Great Hornbill. Hornbill's is a family member of a large Old World tropical bird spices which have enormous curved bills and often a bony cask on the head. Thirteen of the worlds 54 species occur in Thailand. As fruit eaters they are critical to seed dispersal, with out them the forest would not be as luxuriant odr diverse. Great hornbills mate for life and, like all hornbills, nest in hollw tree cavities. The female will plaster the entrance with a mixture of mud, tree bark, wooddust, food debris and even her own fethers. Only a small crack, big enugh to let the male passing food trough will remain the the contact to the outer world. For millions of years hornbills have been a model for good parenting.

Travel agency in Thailand

Tour: WKT 068 – Treetop Canopy Cable Adventure


Danish version

Professional European Management


Phuket Canopy Cable


Strict equipment regulations & safety procedures


Khao Sok National Park, A true rainforest of origin - 2½ hours drive from Phuket, Krabi, Ao Nang, Phang Nga, Khao Lak, Nature lovers paradise, wildlife, jungle, Art's river view lodge, Chiew Larn Lake, Rajjabrapa Dam, jungle raft, a dream land of mist and mountains


All Nationalities




Our crew is highly skilled, efficient and most importantly regard safety as PRIORITY

Fly through the jungle - 1200 meter with 15 stations from 6 to 30 meters above the ground









Book this tour - WKT can tailor fit a special arrangement for you


Treetop Canopy Cable Adventure

New challenge that allows you to fly through the jungle in maimum safety. Strapped in harnesses you run with a pulley on cables linked from tree to tree. Accessible to everybody after a preliminary briefing where on a test cable you practice the flying position and the braking technique you will be ready to enjoy the wild thrill of flying through the uncontaminated nature at altitudes where only birds normally fly.


WKT 068

Per person

Big or small

Same price


THB 1.750


Incl. T/W transfer, soft drink, seasonal fruits

Pick up time morning: 08:00 – 09:00

Pick up time afternoon 13:00 – 14:00

Additional Transport Charges THB 150 per person from Phuket Town - Rawai - Nai Harn - Kata - Karon

For you own safety and comfort we recommend to wear sport shoes and long pants. Insurance incl.

Book – Local  knowledge makes it easy for us to service you

Currency Converter




EN: A canopy tour is a specific type of ziplining where a person is harnessed to a steel cable and propelled by gravity from platform to platform high up in the trees of a thick forest canopy. Although they date back far back into history for their civil use and even scientific[1] they are now used for recreation and fun and have created a new tourism industry. There are hundreds of zip-line tours across five continents to date, but are particularly popular in Costa Rica, Thailand, Brazil and other countries with jungles or rainforests. Costa Rica was one of the original locations for canopy tours and as such there are a high number available there. Canopy tours are available in other areas throughout North America, Europe, Africa and Australasia. Canopy tours often include a jeep or hike tour to the zipline site during which a guide tells you about wildlife and flora. At some mountain resorts, the ziplines are near the base of summer-green ski slopes and the first zipline is reached via a chairlift. These guided tours often last from one to three days depending on the tour company. It will often include accommodation, meals, transport other activities such as rafting, mountain climbing, hiking and mountain biking. Canopy tours are part of the burgeoning ecotourism industry and are often marketed as being environmentally-friendly. They require the construction of several platforms being nailed to trees far above the ground, however sometimes wooden nails can be used. Some canopy tours have taken extra steps to not only prevent harm but to give back to the environment.
DK: En canopy tour er en specifik type ziplining hvor en person er spændt for en stålwire og drives ved hjælp af tyngdekraften fra platform til platform højt oppe i træerne i en tyk skov baldakin. Selv om de stammer fra langt tilbage i historien for deres civilt brug, og selv videnskabelige [1] er de nu anvendes til rekreative formål og sjov og har skabt en ny turistindustri. Der er hundredvis af zip-line ture på tværs af fem kontinenter til dato, men er særdeles populære i Costa Rica, Thailand, Brasilien og andre lande med junglen eller regnskoven. Costa Rica var en af de oprindelige placeringer for baldakin ture, og som sådan er der et stort antal tilgængelige der. Canopy ture er tilgængelige i andre områder i hele Nordamerika, Europa, Afrika og Australasien. Canopy ture ofte inkluderer en jeep eller vandre tur til zipline site, hvor en guide fortæller dig om dyreliv og flora. På nogle vinterturistområder er ziplines nær bunden af sommeren-grøn skiløjper og den første zipline er nået via en stolelift. Disse guidede ture ofte vare fra en til tre dage afhængig af tour selskab. Det vil ofte omfatte indkvartering, måltider, transport andre aktiviteter såsom rafting, bjergbestigning, vandreture og mountain biking. Canopy ture er en del af den spirende økoturisme branchen og er ofte markedsføres som miljøvenlige. De kræver opførelse af flere platforme bliver naglet til træer langt over jorden, men til tider træ søm kan bruges. Nogle baldakin ture har taget ekstra skridt for at ikke kun forhindre skader, men at give noget tilbage til miljøet.
FR: Un canopy tour est un type spécifique d'accrobranches où une personne est mise à profit pour un câble d'acier et propulsés par gravité à partir d'une plateforme à très haut dans les arbres d'une canopée de la forêt épaisse. Bien qu'ils remontent loin dans l'histoire pour leur usage civil et même scientifiques [1], ils sont maintenant utilisés pour les loisirs et le plaisir et avons créé une nouvelle industrie du tourisme. Il ya des centaines de visites zip en ligne sur les cinq continents à ce jour, mais sont particulièrement populaires au Costa Rica, la Thaïlande, le Brésil et d'autres pays avec des forêts tropicales ou des jungles. Costa Rica est l'un des emplacements d'origine pour les visites à baldaquin et en tant que tel il ya un grand nombre y sont disponibles. Tours Canopy sont disponibles dans d'autres domaines à travers l'Amérique du Nord, Europe, Afrique et Océanie. Canopy Tours incluent




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Touring Thailand form the North to the South:















*  Further information and booking:

WKT011 GAME FISHING – Arm breaking challenge

WKT009 - SEA CANOE – Hidden lagoons

WKT027 – ATV Off Road Adventure



WKT007 – CABLE SKIING – Best track in Asia


STAY CHEAP at WKT in Patong


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Wild Kingdom Tours Co., Ltd.

10 Phisit Karani Road,

Patong Beach, Phuket 83150, Thailand

Tel.:  +66 (0) 76 296 231

Fax:  +66 (0) 76 296 454




Office of Tourism Development 34/0001


Last page update 21 April 2012

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The Scan - International

Log Wildkingdom Tours - Great Hornbill. Hornbill's is a family member of a large Old World tropical bird spices which have enormous curved bills and often a bony cask on the head. Thirteen of the worlds 54 species occur in Thailand. As fruit eaters they are critical to seed dispersal, with out them the forest would not be as luxuriant odr diverse. Great hornbills mate for life and, like all hornbills, nest in hollw tree cavities. The female will plaster the entrance with a mixture of mud, tree bark, wooddust, food debris and even her own fethers. Only a small crack, big enugh to let the male passing food trough will remain the the contact to the outer world. For millions of years hornbills have been a model for good parenting.

Travel agency in Thailand


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